Money, money, money, nothing is free anymore

HEY GUYS, I HOPE YOU ARE ALL WELL! I wrote a useful blog tonight to help you save and spend money wisely- I hope you like it! Please follow me, comment and share!!

Even as a young person, I understand how easy it is to struggle financially. The kids want another ice cream, you have to buy those GCSE textbooks that your teenager needs, your partner needs new work clothes, the bills need paid and the list goes on. It is endless, but there are ways that you can take the pressure of yourself and therefore, your family.


Whether it is wasting money or food, I hate it! Did you know that the average UK family wastes almost £60, throwing nearly an entire meal away a month? THIS IS RIDICULOUS AND IT NEEDS TO STOP! For my family, this is a weekly shop. We are all guilty of food waste, but let's not complain and think proactively about it!
How can you prevent food waste? I believe there is simply no reason to chuck your food away if you can follow these simple steps:

1)      Plan your meals and make a list for your shopping.

2)      Reuse leftovers- have the extra portion from dinner as your lunch the next day.

3)      Use the more unappealing vegetables as they will still fit the purpose.

4)      Freeze meals if possible.


Every year, we spend thousands of pounds on our electricity bill, but you could reduce it dramatically if you switch off anything that isn't in use- don't leave the television blaring, don't leave your laptop charging when it really doesn't need to be, don't turn every light on in the house- it is waste and money out of your pocket, don't complain, do something!!


Is your house coming down with stuff and you just can't cope? I know mine is!! You can always make some extra money by selling your unwanted belongings! At cash for clothes you can receive 50p per kilo. But what about cds, dvds and other technological devices? CEX will buy them! Or, alternatively, you can attend a car boot sale! Pack that car up and get going! Most car boot sales will cost around £5 for a car, but it is certainly worth it! Simply type into Google, ' where is my nearest car boot sale and when?'


Yes, this may be tiring. Yes, I get it, boring and torturous. But do you want to save your money or lose out? It is estimated that there are 9 million people living in the UK that are in serious debt. Don't be one- save and spend wisely! I get it, sometimes we are so tempted by the latest trend and we want to fit in, but we must think carefully. Make a record of your income and estimate your expenditure and then, your disposable income. Now, what is it that you really need or want? Yes, you have seen a nice new pair of shoes, but do you really need them? Or would it be more beneficial to spend the money on those textbooks that your child needs? After all, education is power and will nearly always result in a higher salary! I hate making compromises, I really do, but in this world we can't have everything unfortunately and sacrifices now will mean so much less stress later.


I know I am only 16, but I am already working and personally, I absolutely love it. It gives me more freedom and responsibility and it means that if I really want something, I can get it if I save and save. For example, I am currently saving for driving lessons. TEENAGERS, YES YOU, I am not saying give up all your free time, in fact it is an order not to- you need rest, you need to socialise and you need free time to yourself- it is compulsory if you want to enhance your development, BUT DON'T BE LAZY! There is plenty of work- ask your family and friends if they need any jobs done e.g. gardening, painting fences, cleaning- most likely they will say yes gratefully and give you a few pounds. Why not start dog walking? Make some leaflets and post them in your area- it will help you keep fit, do something productive and earn a few pounds. For all those brainy students out there, why not start tutoring? You could earn around £10 per hour by simply mentoring others and helping them reach their full potential academically. Come on, you already work hard, so motivate someone else  and help them have the best experience of their school days!


This evening I got to count the massive jar that we have been saving in for our holidays. GUESS WHAT? There was £15 in 1ps and 2ps alone, now that may not sound like much to you, but let me put that into perspective! That is 1/4 of our weekly shopping bill, a trip to the cinema for me and a friend or a Chinese carryout for me and my mum. Seriously, who wouldn't want to try this?! Simply get a jar and save all your lose change, what is there to lose? Stop dropping them on the street or letting them fall down the sofa!!


TRAPS, TRAPS, TRAPS- THEY ARE EVERYWHERE! Just when you think that your local supermarket has become your best friend, they let you down once more!! When supermarkets have offers like buy 2 punnets of grapes for £3.50, instead of £2 each, I struggle! ANYONE WHO KNOWS ME WILL KNOW THAT I HAVE MANY RANDOM CRAVINGS FOR GRAPES- WEIRD I KNOW!! The thing is I only need one punnet and by buying these two I have just spent an unnecessary £1.50. That may sound really offer the top, but if I did this daily that would be £10.50 a week and that is more than enough to buy a takeaway and a treat for myself! OR, when shops say buy these biscuits they are only £1.99, you think ' oh yes, what a bargain!!' You mightn't have even wanted these biscuits, but yet you buy them because the price appears appealing. ESCAPE BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! DON'T LET SUPERMARKETS MAKE YOU FEEL AND LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT, YOU ARE SMARTER THAN THAT!


You are unlikely to react like, 'oh my word, she is called Katie, I won't like her,' it is weird and stupid,you judge the person by their character etc, so don't do it with products. Just because an item says Tescos own instead of Heinz doesn't mean it is going to be the worst thing ever. In fact, I would quite happily eat Tescos own beans which are only £0.32 per tin, where as Heinz are £0.75, yes that is only £0.43, but if you buy 100 tins of beans annually, that is £43! I remember I used to always buy my books from Waterstones- as much as I loved the experience of book shopping with my granny, sometimes it was because I liked the sound of ' yes, I buy my books in Waterstones.' We could have spent around £60 per trip, now I buy books on Amazon or borrow books from my local library and it costs less than half of what I spent in Waterstones- now that money can be used for holidays and other cool things like a hot tub! These things don't satisfy us, so why do we do it? Yes, quality perhaps and if you like the taste or look of something with a brand, go for it, but don't be ridiculous and spend all your earnings for a name that you aren't fussed on!


It is okay not to be okay, if you need help, please ask for it. Christians Against Poverty work so unbelievably hard throughout the UK to tackle poverty, unemployment, debt and addiction. They help over 21,500 people a year through their free debt help, job clubs, release groups and courses. If you or someone you know is in trouble, please find out more information at

I hope this blog helped those that are struggling financially or those who simply want to make the most of their money, until next time.
Katie G <3


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