Breakdown to Breakthrough

Experiencing a breakdown was like death... I was captured... I remember sitting in my room crying with my mum cradling me- nobody knew what had happened. All I remembered was leaving my primary school being told, " Katie, you have a great future ahead, you will work hard and succeed." Now, well I was broken and lost- I didn't know where I was going, in fact I didn't even want to be here, but then one day mum asked " Katie, how would you feel about moving school?" I nodded, I don't think this was exactly the response she was looking for as she looked shocked and worried because the normal Katie talked like a washing machine and analysed every aspect of a decision. The thing is- it wasn't really a choice, something had to be done- I needed to be well, we all couldn't go on like this. Everyone was tired and weary, but not once did my mum give up. It was all out of love and I wouldn't be where I am today without her.

Walking through the doors of Nendrum was a miracle- immediately I felt so much more relaxed and comfortable within myself. Nendrum was medicine- I remember sitting in the Principal's Office, Mrs Taggart, and she was asking me was I sure about the move, but I was firm in my thought- something I hadn't been in months... Before, I couldn't have decided what I was having for my dinner without the support of my mum and now I was certain that this was where I wanted to be. Nendrum welcomed me with open arms- they had become family.

In my first year, I won Pupil of the Year and I was top charity collector. In the words of Mr McClure, Head of Junior School at Nendrum College, " The Katie who arrived at Nendrum College was a quiet and unsure pupil with low self-esteem and an abundance of self- doubt. Slowly, a metamorphosis started to occur that was nurtured through positivity and drive, the new Katie started to emerge." Miss Thompson was an incredible form tutor in Year 8 - she was an excellent role model and ensured I had the best chance of succeeding. Every single day, she ensured I was okay and offered to talk about anything that was worrying me. She wasn't just a teacher, she was a leader and everything she had to be!

 I knew this was the start of one simply incredible journey- I had discovered my purpose! I was no longer having a breakdown, but a breakthrough!!!


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