Katie becomes a Thriver

Katie becomes a Thriver

I first walked through the doors of Thriving Life Church when I began volunteering at Newtownards Food bank. I had never been a Christ follower, in fact the very thought of it made me angry, even when I was broken, I never wanted to turn to God, I wanted to do it my way, but I always wanted to make a difference and change lives. The world seemed unfair to me and I wanted to change it. Suddenly, my whole life seemed to be focused on this massive goal, it ignited passion inside and I loved every moment of my previous experiences of public speaking, campaigning and writing. I loved the food bank and to this day, I am still volunteering, almost 2 years later. Food bank really helped me to become who I am today, it revealed the inner me, who I really was. I wasn’t the stubborn, emotionless person I thought I was, I actually had a heart and I cared, I really cared. It sparked a confidence within me, I started to truly believe in myself and my ability to make a difference. I absolutely loved the team when I first met them and now, they are part of my family. Whoever says volunteering is boring is wrong, if you are doing the right thing for you, then it should satisfy your soul, lift your heart and fill you with passion and drive, exactly like the food bank does.

Months went by and I was beginning to lose count of how many packs I had built, shelves I had cleaned, clothes I had folded, items I had dated and stacked when I began to get a little curious, just a little bit, but it was enough to push me a little further. I remember standing upstairs in the corridors of the church with George- one of our most amazing volunteers, he was showing me around the new building that was nearly finished, I was mesmerised. He began to open up about his journey and how Christ had changed him as a person and guided him through some of life’s toughest challenges. George really helped to fill my heart that day, it was a significant turning point in my journey, I hadn’t told many people about that night, but it made stop and think, I started to re-evaluate all my opinions and stereotypes, but my heart was still hard…

As time went on, I became closer and closer to our Food bank team, I had always struggled with trust, but now I realised that not everyone is a bad person, there are good people with good hearts. Pastor Natalie played a huge part in my journey- each week she never pressurised me into coming to church as I answered with a very stubborn ‘eh no’ when people even contemplated asking me. She always encouraged me and no matter how her week had been, she greeted all of us with kindness, warmth and love. I wanted to be like this- I didn’t want to be the stubborn and impatient person I had become…

Not before long, I started coming to the church in June 2016 after giving in to the army of people who had asked me to come, including my mum and granny who were already coming to the church. Olwen and Ronnie, two of my best role models throughout my life, had been pushing me for so long. I loved them and they had always supported me, often I trusted their judgement, but for some reason this was different. I wouldn’t budge. I’m going to be entirely honest, I hated it the first week. I was still stubborn, yes. Was I angry? Yes. Was I frustrated? Yes. Did I want to be there? No. I thought it was ridiculous and stupid, I couldn’t understand how people said they trusted Christ entirely with their journey, they let go and left him in the front seat. I often thought, “are you completely insane?” However, walking through the doors, I reluctantly admitted that there was something attractive about it- there was a lively atmosphere that managed to lift my mood, while calming my mind and body. A part of me wanted to say it felt like home, but my stubbornness was holding me back, until a few weeks later when I began to come every week. At the same time, I noticed that my panic attacks had been happening less and less.

Sundays just weren’t enough, I couldn’t understand everything for just over an hour each week, I had questions and suddenly, I discovered a burning desire within me to find answers, to see where I was going in life, to find direction and seek my purpose, I found myself no longer just wanting it, but needing it. I went to Christianity Explored, a course they were running in the church and it was the best thing I had ever dedicated my time to, it changed my whole direction. Richard Porter, one of the leaders, really helped me to make my mind up, question after question and he still didn’t appear tired, he did what it took and he never gave up on me, something that I’ll never be able to thank him enough for… This was around September time when I began this course and on the 10th October 2016, my life changed forever…


Walking down the stairs in Nendrum College, my school, was something I did many times daily, but this was a time like no other, I was nervous and afraid as I headed to my first French oral GCSE exam, I felt sick, but then something hit. The power of Jesus was hurled at me, it felt like a river of rescue remedy was flowing rapidly through my body. I felt at peace. As many of you already know, my biological father left when I was in Year 8, unforgiveness was haunting my heart, but in this moment, all I could feel was love, I felt okay. Walking into my exam was much easier than expected, nothing could have prepared me for that day. This was one of the first times that I could walk into an exam without suffering a series of anxiety attacks. I remember my French teacher interrupting my prayer to cheerfully say, “bon chance.” I had never said a more powerful yes as I accepted God as the leader of my life. I knew Thriving Life was my home, it was exactly where I needed to be. But this was only the beginning… Walking through the doors, I reluctantly admitted that there
was something attractive about it- there was a lively atmosphere through


  1. Wow! These are some amazing stories. I like your magical steps. It's so enchanting to know that there are so many possibilities that come after.

    1. Awk thank you! I really appreciate your support and encouragement!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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