Education is the solution
Education is simply power. A spark… A boost of confidence… A
light… It is a pathway to a safer, healthier and happier life. As Global
Partnership explained “whether a person is living in poverty or among the
wealthiest in the world, education is necessary to advance in any situation.”
Education decreases poverty, promotes health, minimizes malnutrition and
provides economic growth. REALITY!!!!
An astonishing 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty. Can you
imagine how horrible it must be for parents having to make a choice between
eating a meal and educating their children? All around the world, boys are
often kept out of school so they can work and bring in money for the family, meanwhile
girls are pressured to stay out of school to keep the household fully
functioning by cooking, cleaning and farming. If all students in low income
countries left school with basic reading skills, 171 million people could be
lifted out of poverty. This is equal to a 12% cut in global poverty. Education
is an invaluable tool for anyone living in poverty today! With education, people
can become independent, earn an income and most importantly, pull themselves
out of unpleasant and truly horrific living conditions.
Education promotes our vital health. Did you know that a
child who is born to an educated mother is 50% more likely to survive past the
age of five? Did you know if every child in the world receives a primary
education seven million cases of HIV could be avoided in the next 10 years? Did
you know a secondary education lowers people’s risk of HIV by 75%? Without education,
our health would suffer dramatically- education empowers us to make the right
Furthermore, education minimizes malnutrition. According to
World Hunger Statistics, a shocking 26% of the world population are considered
to be starving. In fact, by the time you are finished reading this article at
least 15 people will have died of hunger. Malnutrition is a severe problem that
many poor countries are facing today and it needs to be prevented! Educating girls
is one of the best ways to fight hunger; it can provide people with new and
more effective farming techniques, which can increase crop production and
ultimately enables people around the world to make a stand to decrease
Additionally, education significantly increases economic
growth. For a country to see steady economic growth, education must be a
priority. For every year of education, a person’s average earnings increase by
10%. What I find even more intriguing is that no country has seen a steady
economic increase without at least 40% literacy rate. As we all know, education
is a phenomenal help and support if you want to strive for a new job. By
earning an income, people contribute to the country’s economy and it improves
quality of life and opportunity.
I am sure all of you have heard of Malala, an Anti- Taliban
activist. Malala is someone who inspires me a lot- she stands up for the right
of every child, she truly has the power to make a difference and she has the
courage to make a stand. She marked her 16th birthday by delivering
her speech at the UN headquarters in New York. As Malala said “let us empower
ourselves with the weapon of knowledge and shield ourselves with unity and
togetherness.” Education is strength. As Malala put it “one child, one teacher,
one book and one pen can change the world.”
Let’s make a difference. I want everyone to start today by
promoting education because we are unbelievably lucky to have our right to an education
protected. Together we can make a difference, together through education we can
become stronger and together we can change the world.
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